"Plein Air Photography" of Sunflowers using double exposure in the camera
When hiking in springtime through pasture land in Austria, I was overwhelmed by the breathtaking colourful flourishing meadows. The wealth of magic moments for my eyes led to the idea to create pictures showing details in its entirety. The ideal tool for me to manage this in this case was the direct double exposure in the camera - giving me the chance to work on the composition directly in nature trying to express my feelings and fixing my ideas of this ars momentum.
Als Naturliebhaberin und nach jahrelanger Beschäftigung mit Fotografie von Mohn im Waldviertel entstand, in Anlehnung an die Plein Air Malerei, die Idee der "Plein Air - Mohn-Fotografie" mit verschiedenen Hintergründen direkt am Mohnfeld.
Komposition in der Natur mit ländlichen Elementen z.B. karierter Hintergrund in Erinnerung an Vorhänge und Tischdecken in Bauernhäusern, aber auch Einfluss der 70er-Jahre mit gemusterten, knallbunten Tapeten für stimmige Ton-in-Ton-Bilder oder als Kontrast zu den zarten Blüten.
Being a nature-lover and after having taken poppy-photos for some years, the idea was born to create poppy-portraits directly on the field with different backgrounds in imitation of the "Plein Air - Painting" of the 19th century. "Plein Air - Poppy-Photography is composition on the field with different backgrounds for example: checkered imitating fabric typically used on the countryside of Austria for table-cloth or curtains, patterned in memory of the colourful wallpapers of the seventies of the 20th century, in harmony with the colour of the poppy-flowers or in spectacular contrast to them.
The aim of the series is, to show how beautiful nature is and to ingerate these pictures in our life, which is so often far away from any contact with the natural environment. An atempt to combine timelessness with the wish of modern style of photos to fit in our world at a large distance of nature mostly in urban areas.
Alle Bilder der Serie MOHNART können als Fineart-Print in limitierter Auflage als Digigraphie (A4 bis A2) erworben werden (Anfragen)
All pictures of the series POPPYART can be bought as a limited-edtion Fineart-Print as Digigraphie (A4 to A2) (Request)